To briefly share a bit about myself:
I am majoring in History, Technology & Society and minoring in Philosophy. I particularly enjoy studying political philosophy and aesthetics; fundamentally I believe that politics, art, religion, music, and philosophy are all tethered to each other, ultimately culminating in what it means to be human and how to live a flourishing life. I believe that we as human beings are, as Aristotle said, political animals. Politics is nested in the very fabric of humanity, so it's of the utmost importance that we do it right. I am a conservative who currently doesn't subscribe to a party (although it's important to say the Republican Party has certainly been the traditional home for conservatives, and is closely aligned with many things I believe). If you would like a list of political thinkers who've greatly impacted me, see below (in no order of importance)
David Hume
Edmund Burke
Alexander Hamilton
Louis de Bonald
Georg W. F. Hegel
Alexis de Tocqueville
C. S. Lewis
Michael Oakeshott
Christopher Lasch
Sir Roger Scruton
Ryszard Legutko
Charles Taylor
While there are other intellectuals who have influenced my thinking, I believe the few I have provided will suffice. Hopefully this will give you some further information to better understand my writing, I sure do hope you enjoy it!
Posts (15)